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Alexander Grappa Bianca (700 ml)

ประเภทอื่นๆ (Other Type)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
700 ml

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
This grappa is made from the grapes of the Pinot, Glera and Tocai vines, the most widespread in the eastern Veneto region. The marcs, still warm and winy, are steam distilled in alembics, so they conserve all the intensity of the fragrance and flavour of the original grapes. It produces a white, soft and fragranced grappa that is refined in steel barrels for 6 months so that all the aromas can mix together perfectly.
Alexander Bianca Grappa
Grappa Alexander is the “best seller” bottle of the trademark Alexander. Distillate with an important pedigree, it is the result of a peculiar mixing of the marcs of Pinot, Tocai and Glera, grapes which are particularly diffused in Veneto and give origin to prestigious wines, very appreciated into the wine-world.
This grappa is made from the grapes of the Pinot, Glera and Tocai vines, the most widespread in the eastern Veneto region. The marcs, still warm and winy, are steam distilled in alembics, so they conserve all the intensity of the fragrance and flavour of the original grapes. It produces a white, soft and fragranced grappa that is refined in steel barrels for 6 months so that all the aromas can mix together perfectly.
Color :
Transparent and crystal-clear
Bouquet :
Fresh and especially exotic fruit, apples and pears, with hints of wild flowers
Taste :
Fresh, firm, modern
Serving at :
15° C, in summer 7°, or straight from the freezer, climate permitting