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Alexander Grappa Merlot (700 ml)

ประเภทอื่นๆ (Other Type)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
700 ml

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
The single-variety grappas Alexander are produced with marcs derived from grapes of a single type. The Italian grape varieties have been chosen to fully satisfy the palate of distillate connoisseurs.
Alexander Grappa Merlot
The single-variety grappas Alexander are produced with marcs derived from grapes of a single type. The Italian grape varieties have been chosen to fully satisfy the palate of distillate connoisseurs.
Merlot is a vine that comes from the area near Bordeaux, which had a great diffusion in Veneto. The grapes are characterized by the pyramidal bunch and by the blue-black grape, very compact and resistant. This grappa is steam distilled in copper stills. The delicate aromatic intensity combines to a good body.
Color :
Colourless and crystal-clear
Bouquet :
Full, rounded, complex
Taste :
Dry, harmonic, delicate with grass and hay aromas