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Angostura Orange Bitters (200 ml)
ประเทศ (Country)
Trinidad & Tobago
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
200 ml
ประเภทลิเคียว (liqueur type)
Fruit liqueurs
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Derived from the peels of sun-ripened oranges, caraway seed, and coriander, this orange bitters mixture adds a subtle spicy flavor and aroma to your crowd-pleasing cocktails and mixed drinks! The name Angostura comes from the town of Angostura, Venezuela where the flavoring was first produced. This botanically-infused alcoholic mixture includes water, 28% alcohol, herbs and spices.
Derived from the peels of sun-ripened oranges, caraway seed, and coriander, this orange bitters mixture adds a subtle spicy flavor and aroma to your crowd-pleasing cocktails and mixed drinks! The name Angostura comes from the town of Angostura, Venezuela where the flavoring was first produced. This botanically-infused alcoholic mixture includes water, 28% alcohol, herbs and spices.