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BORN Dreams Come True (1 L)

ประเทศ (Country)

ประเภทสาเก (Sake Type)
Junmai Daiginjo

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
1000 ml (1 L)

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
"Yume wa Masayume" won the first prize for an aged sake in japan's National Liqueur Competition of Autumn 2003. It's characterized by a deep aroma of pineapple, smooth clean and silky mouthfeel, cleanly cut finish, despite the richness. This name means "Dream Come True" in Japanese. Many celebrities in the worlds choose this sake to celebrate their achievement. U.S. National Sake Appraisal Gold 2015.
"Yume wa Masayume" won the first prize for an aged sake in japan's National Liqueur Competition of Autumn 2003. It's characterized by a deep aroma of pineapple, smooth clean and silky mouthfeel, cleanly cut finish, despite the richness. This name means "Dream Come True" in Japanese. Many celebrities in the worlds choose this sake to celebrate their achievement. U.S. National Sake Appraisal Gold 2015.