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Bruichladdich Black Art Whisky (700 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
700 ml

ภูมิภาค (Whisky Region)

ประเภทวิสกี้ (Whisky Type)
Single Malt Whisky

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
An enigmatic alchemy which relies on nature, craftsmanship and the quiet passing of time, what happens inside each cask under cover of darkness in the depths of the warehouse remains a mystery. Black Art 11 is a testament to this elusive mastery.
Using artisanal techniques passed down from one generation to the next; the spirit is pulled exclusively from Bruichladdich distillery pre-renaissance casks which have been patiently maturing on our island home for almost three decades. The finite single malt is created in secret by our head distiller, Adam Hannett, with the recipe only known to him.
Putting our trust in Adam, he is given creative freedom to bring this incredible whisky to life. Using pre-renaissance Bruichladdich stock, Black Art 11 is unique and unrepeatable.
A chance to experiment, take risks and push the boundaries of possibility; only Adam knows what has gone into creating the precious 24-year-old single malt. The barley and cask types are undisclosed, with the final recipe a mystery.
Matured in the finest oak, this eleventh edition of Black Art showcases the captivating marriage of faith and ingenuity and we invite you to put your trust in us.
COLOUR : Rich Tawny.
NOSE :Dried fruits, leather and a hint of citrus immediately open on the nose, followed by a fresh sea breeze. Sweet fruit and floral notes come to the fore, with poached pear, delicate rose hip syrup, black cherry, and sweet mango. The complexity of the single malt is apparent as the aromas continue to open, with cedar and mellow oak complemented with butterscotch, praline, honey, and a hint of cinnamon. Warming oats are balanced with fragrant notes of rose and pear drops.
PALATE : Dried fruits, dates, raisins, barley sugar, leather and oak open on the palate, followed by butterscotch sweetness, praline and hints of coconut and fresh citrus. Sweet apple and pear are married with toasted oak, warming wood spice, dark plums and marzipan, with layers of depth opening with each sip.
FINISH : Oak and dried fruit come to the fore, with Christmas cake notes of sultanas, fig, marzipan, and lingering honey adding to the beautifully rounded finish.