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Evan Williams Bourbon Black (750 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
750 ml

ภูมิภาค (Whisky Region)

ประเภทวิสกี้ (Whisky Type)
Bourbon Whiskey

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Evan Williams is a smooth, easy to drink Bourbon named after Evan Williams who, in 1783, opened Kentucky’s first commercial distillery along the banks of the Ohio River. Many years and barrels later, we’re still producing Bourbon with the same time-honored methods that Evan Williams did years ago.
Evan Williams is a smooth, easy to drink Bourbon named after Evan Williams who, in 1783, opened Kentucky’s first commercial distillery along the banks of the Ohio River. Many years and barrels later, we’re still producing Bourbon with the same time-honored methods that Evan Williams did years ago.
Today, Evan Williams is the second largest selling Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey in the US and the world, distilled just a few blocks from the site where Evan himself built his distillery.
And if you’re looking for a little more kick , try Evan Williams White label; Our signature 100 proof, Bottled-in-Bond Bourbon.