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Himeizumi Brewery Gohei Muroka Jukusei / Maturing Imo (720 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
720 ml

ประเภทโชชู (Shochu Type)
Japan Shochu

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
The best of sweet potato shochu, It is delicious to the taste and very desirable. The process of making this shochu is take oil from the sweet potato out everyday in 5 months to get the freshness of sweet potato and the sense of taste makes a flavorful. The richness aftertaste from non fliter and blending in the last process.
The best of sweet potato shochu, It is delicious to the taste and very desirable. The process of making this shochu is take oil from the sweet potato out everyday in 5 months to get the freshness of sweet potato and the sense of taste makes a flavorful. The richness aftertaste from non fliter and blending in the last process.