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Kozaemon Shiroku Junmai Kabosu Sake (1.8 L)

ประเภทอื่นๆ (Other Type)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
1800 ml (1.8 L)

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
This is pure sake liqueur using Kabosu from Oita. It can be serve with ice to weaken its taste and a juice sense and hint is still present. It has moderate sweetness and juicy on a palate. Very suitable to be a gift item.
This is pure sake liqueur using Kabosu from Oita. It can be serve with ice to weaken its taste and a juice sense and hint is still present. It has moderate sweetness and juicy on a palate. Very suitable to be a gift item.