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Nakano BC Kishu Hachimitsu Umeshu (300 ml)

ประเภทอื่นๆ (Other Type)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
300 ml

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Kishu is the best place for growing plum in Japan. This kishu hachimitsu umeshu is using premium plum and 100% pure orange honey. It has a nice fragrance of honey with a smooth plum's sour flavour. This kishu Hachimitsu should be enjoyed on the rockor chilled for straight.
Kishu is the best place for growing plum in Japan. This kishu hachimitsu umeshu is using premium plum and 100% pure orange honey. It has a nice fragrance of honey with a smooth plum's sour flavour. This kishu Hachimitsu should be enjoyed on the rockor chilled for straight.