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Ole Smoky Lemon Drop (750 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
750 ml

ภูมิภาค (Whisky Region)

ประเภทวิสกี้ (Whisky Type)
Tennessee Whiskey

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Shining like the dawn of Summer itself, Ole Smoky® Lemon Drop Moonshine is a tart and tangy wonderful concoction that combines our White Lightnin’ Moonshine with our favorite lemonade. Created to have a little more fun than just quenching your thirst, Ole Smoky Lemon Drop goes perfect with shenanigans in the sunshine.
Ole Smoky Lemon Drop
Shining like the dawn of Summer itself, Ole Smoky®Lemon Drop Moonshine is a tart and tangy wonderful concoction that combines our White Lightnin’ Moonshine with our favorite lemonade. Created to have a little more fun than just quenching your thirst, Ole Smoky Lemon Drop goes perfect with shenanigans in the sunshine.
Lemon Drop Lightnin's Sweet Tea
Ingredients :
- 2.5 oz. Ole Smoky® Lemon Drop Lightnin'
- 2.5 oz. Sweetened or Unsweetened Tea
Garnish :
- Fresh Lemon Wedge
Preparation :
- Mix well in a glass over ice
- Garnish
- Shine Responsibly