Orendain Reposado Tequila (750 ml)

ประเทศ (Country) Mexico
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 750 ml
ประเภทเตกีล่า (Tequila Type) Reposado (Rested)
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 38%
Smooth taste of cooked agave mingled with vanilla and caramel aromas. The result is a beautifully balanced tequila with intricate flavors and a refined finish, ideal for sipping or enhancing premium tequila cocktails.

The values of tequila have been lost. The inclusion of foreign celebrities in the category, and luxury brands, have generated misconceptions about tequila's inherent values: Jets, Glam Jewelry, and luxurious and sophisticated lifestyles are increasingly moving away from the essence. Tequila brands already lack the Mexicanness that amuses, excites, and brings joy to life.


Why softness and delicacy to describe it? , Does “glam” life represent tequila? , tequila should be sweet, fruity, and an extra smooth drink with less tequila's true taste? There is an excellent opportunity to use this lack of “mexicanity” and make it our own. Let’s bring back elements that truly represent Mexico and its soul: tequila.

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