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Sempe Vieil Armagnac V.S.O.P. (700 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ประเภทบรั่นดี (Brandy Type)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
700 ml

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Sempe V.S.O.P. is produced from a single distillation of white wine (A blend of Folle Blanche, Ugni Blanc and other regional grape varieties from the Bas-Armagnac and Ténarèze regions) in a typical alambic copper-still. As soon as it emerges from the still, the Armagnac is put into oak casks, known as 'Armagnac pièces' for a minimum of six years (50% longer than is required by French law). Most of the oak timber which is used comes from the Armagnac forest. The resulting spirit possesses astonishingly smooth and fragrant character that has won it the title of the 'velvet flame.' An excellent digestif, Sempé V.S.O.P. will also complement apple and almond desserts, flourless chocolate cakes or coffee after a meal.
Sempe, one of the leading producers of premium Armagnac, is sitiuated in Aignan, a village in the heart of Armagnac. The Sempé family can be traced back to the 14th century - the name evolved from the French 'St. Pierre', bearer of the Keys to Heaven, which is the crest of the family. The name and the keys are registered and kept at the French National Library. The families Armagnac enterprise was founded originally in 1936 by the then sixteen-year-old Henri-Abel Sempé, the firm today operates under the new ownership of Jean Pierre-Thenon and continues to produce the highest quality brandies, exporting them worldwide.