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Sober Spirits Gin Non-Alcoholic Beverage (500 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
500 ml

ประเภทจิน (Gin Type)
French Gin

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Crafted from an authentic French Gin, the aroma of Sober Spirits G 0.0% - Gin alternative is typical of a Dry London, herbaceous, focused on cardamom and juniper with a background of almond.
For all your cocktails, our Gin Alternative is to be used in the same way and with the same dosage as an alcoholic gin (4 to 5cl per cocktail).
Although some love it neat, it is a mixology product, and its full potential is revealed in cocktails.
Awarded as one of the best non-alcoholic Gin in the world.
Made from an authentic French Gin, the aroma of Sober Spirits G 0.0% is typical of a Dry London, herbaceous, focused on cardamom and juniper with a background of almond.
Awarded as one of the best non-alcoholic gin in the world
Recognized in renowned blind-tasting competitions, Sober Spirits G 0.0% owes its accolades to it crafting process where alcohol is extracted from an authentic french gin. Unbiased experts judge solely on aroma and taste, highlighting the drink's intrinsic quality.