The Japanese Sakura Bitter (200 ml)

ประเทศ (Country) Japan
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 200 ml
ประเภทลิเคียว (liqueur type) Bitters
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 27%

The Japanese Bitters Sakura bitters are hanami in a bottle. In Japan, the ability and art of appreciating spring (sakura) is known as hanami. These bitters are a delicate, fresh bouquet of spring blooms, marrying fresh cherry blossom buds with subtly wood.


The Japanese Bitters Sakura bitters are hanami in a bottle. In Japan, the ability and art of appreciating spring (sakura) is known as hanami. These bitters are a delicate, fresh bouquet of spring blooms, marrying fresh cherry blossom buds with subtly wood.

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