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Brewdog 5am Saint 330ml x 24

ประเทศ (Country)

ประเภท (Beer Type)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
330 ml

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
We’ve dry-hopped this little beauty to the brink and back with the help of amarillo and centennial hops that create an all out riot of citrus, orange and lychee flavours.
5am Saint is The Holy Grail of red ales.
We live in a world of disposable deities.
Someone, somehow has managed to press that big, flashing moronic override button and we are hard wired straight into the pockets of false idols trying to make a quick buck.
Sadly, for a lot of people the same mentality applies to beer.
But who is to know what is worth worshiping when monolithic advertising budgets have you sucked down the rabbit hole in the blink of an eye?
At BrewDog we are on a mission to open as many peoples eyes as possible. Cast away any aspersions and let the crook of BrewDog be your guide in a whirlwind of conformity and mediocrity.
Once this ruby liquid forms a foamy halo around your glass, you will never want to look back.