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Caffe Borghetti Italian Coffee Liqueur (700 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
700 ml

ประเภทลิเคียว (liqueur type)
Coffee liqueurs

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Caffè Borghetti is made with premium Italian espresso and is a sweet liqueur that has been served at cafes for over a century It is a drink that can be enjoyed in many different way
Caffè Borghetti is a coffee liqueur that can be consumed anytime of the day and loses none of the aroma or properties of the coffee This delightful liqueur is still produced according to the original recipe It is best placed in the liqueur set
Caffè Borghetti is made with premium Italian espresso and is a sweet liqueur that has been served at cafes for over a century It is a drink that can be enjoyed in many different way
Caffè Borghetti is a coffee liqueur that can be consumed anytime of the day and loses none of the aroma or properties of the coffee This delightful liqueur is still produced according to the original recipe It is best placed in the liqueur set