Jameson Cold Brew Whiskey & Coffee (700 ml)

ประเทศ (Country) Ireland
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 700 ml
Jameson Cold Brew is a meeting of Arabica beans from Brazil and Colombia with triple-distilled Jameson Irish Whiskey. You may know the Irish Coffee, but this is different. Jameson Cold Brew is best served chilled, over ice, with cola and a twist of orange. Some cracking tunes in the background, optional. Enjoy the perfectly balanced combination of the smoothest whiskey with the richness of coffee.

Nose : Intense rich coffee bean aromatics combined with vanilla nuttiness of Jameson.

Taste : Distinctive, bold and natural with refreshing cold brew coffee impact followed by charred wood from the pot still whiskey contribution on palate.

Finish : Full bodied, smooth and warming on mouthfeel.

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