Luxardo Sambuca (1 L)

ประเทศ (Country) Italy
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 1000 ml (1 L)
ประเภทลิเคียว (liqueur type) Herbal liqueurs
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 38%
Clear color. Perfume is typical of sambuca, has a very intense aroma. The palate is sharp but well balanced, very rounded, with the anise taste persisting in the mouth.

Sambuca dei Cesari
As an antique tradition would have it, a tradition that to this day embraces all the countries of the Mediterranean basin, Italy too has its anise based
national liqueur: Sambuca. It is a sweet and strong liqueur, containing essential oils obtained by steam distilling the seeds of star anise, which are soluble in pure alcohol. A concentrated solution of sugar and other natural aromas are added to this.

1998: International Wine and Spirit Competition- London : Gold medal in liqueur category 1999: Beverage Tasting Institute - USA: voted 90/100 in the "Buying Guide to Spirits". 
San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2011 - DOUBLEGOLDMEDAL as the Best Herbal Botanical Liqueur.

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