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Mizubasho Junmai-Daiginjo (720 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ประเภทสาเก (Sake Type)
Junmai Daiginjo

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
720 ml

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
It used Yamada-Nishiki rice from Hyogo prefecture, and carefully hand made by low temperature mature. The characteristic is very smooth, soft, elegant and good balance with acid and sweetness, spread Ginjo aroma in the mouth. IWC2016 Trophy
It used Yamada-Nishiki rice from Hyogo prefecture, and carefully hand made by low temperature mature. The characteristic is very smooth, soft, elegant and good balance with acid and sweetness, spread Ginjo aroma in the mouth. IWC2016 Trophy