Monin William Pear Puree (1 L)

ประเภทอื่นๆ (Other Type) Syrup
ประเทศ (Country) France
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 1000 ml (1 L)
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) Non Alcohol

With its succulent, fine, soft flesh, the Williams Pear is not the most cultivated variety in the world. Le Fruit de MONIN Williams Pear is carefully selected and harvested when the fruit is ripe. It is then developed to preserve the many gustative qualities of this ancient fruit.


With its succulent, fine, soft flesh, the Williams Pear is not the most cultivated variety in the world. Le Fruit de MONIN Williams Pear is carefully selected and harvested when the fruit is ripe. It is then developed to preserve the many gustative qualities of this ancient fruit.


Yellowish Brown

Tasting Notes

Nose: Subtle William Pear Nose
Attack: Ripe pear notes
Length in mouth: Fresh pear taste with acidulated note

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