Montelobos Pechuga Mezcal (700 ml)

ประเทศ (Country) Mexico
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 700 ml
ประเภทเตกีล่า (Tequila Type) Mezcal
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 47.9%

Montelobos Pechuga is a Mezcal Espadin distilled for a third time with turkey breast, seasonal fruit and spices. An homage to Oaxacan traditions, with an experimental twist. Celebrating festive ingredients.


Montelobos Pechuga is a Mezcal Espadin distilled for a third time with turkey breast, seasonal fruit and spices. An homage to Oaxacan traditions, with an experimental twist. Celebrating festive ingredients.

Color: Crystalline with pearl sparkles.
Nose: Orange peel, pumpkin in tacha and nutmeg.
Taste: Tropical fruits, roasted almonds and maple honey.

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