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Montezuma Blue Tequila (750 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
750 ml

ประเภทเตกีล่า (Tequila Type)
Reposado (Rested)

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Montezuma Blue Tequila is produced in Mexico, and made with tequila and liqueur. Great for making margaritas, mixed drinks, or shooters. It's distinctive packaging pays tribute to it's Mexican heritage by featuring an Aztec calendar.
Montezuma Blue Tequila is produced in Mexico, and made with tequila and liqueur. Great for making margaritas, mixed drinks, or shooters. It's distinctive packaging pays tribute to it's Mexican heritage by featuring an Aztec calendar.
Testing Nose
Pale silvery straw color. Sweet creamy vanilla, clover honey, and grass aromas. A soft entry leads to a glycerous light body of grilled green pepper, white pepper, vanilla bean, smoky minerals, and dried pineapple flavors. Finishes in a charred pineapple-like agave and straw-like herbal fade with lingering tongue tingling heat. A curious and understated mixer option. Doesn't bring a lot to the table flavor wise