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Santa Teresa Rum (750 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
750 ml

ประเภทรัม (Rum Type)

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Santa Teresa is a Venezuelan, family-owned rum distillery built on over 200 years of tradition, refining and improving the techniques of rum making. Founded in 1796 and located in the mountainous Aragua valley; a state with the ideal temperature conditions for aging rums, ranging from humid heat during the day to dry cold at night, facilitating the chemical, yet seemingly magical, exchange between wood and alcohol. Honouring the traditions and artisanal new methods, turning Santa Teresa into Venezuela’s leading rum producer, a position maintained to this day. We have been developing, refining and passing along those very special skills for generations. In the most challenging circumstances, Santa Teresa has been transforming adversity to opportunity in Venezuela.
Tasting Notes
Honeyed single estate rum from Venezuela with elements of bitter chocolate, nuts and buttery biscuits. It is made, unusually for a rum, through the solera process: casks of different aged rums are stacked vertically, the oldest (aged around 35 years) at the bottom, and as the distiller draws rum from one cask they top it up with younger liquid from the blend.แบรนด์