The Legendary Silkie Blended Irish Whiskey (700 ml)

ประเทศ (Country) Ireland
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 700 ml
ประเภทวิสกี้ (Whisky Type) Single Malt Whisky
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 46%

Inspired by the tales of the mythical Silkie seals of the Donegal coast, The Legendary Silkie Irish Whiskey a balanced blend of double and triple distilled single malts, soft grain whiskey and a hint of peated malt. It is bottled by hand at 46% ABV and is non chill-filtered for a distinctively rich character. Although higher in ABV, The Legendary Silkie is exceptionally smooth with crisp green apple to the fore, ripe red fruits, gentle smoke and an oaky sweetness which gives way to a long lingering finish of gently warming spice.

The Legendary Silkie Irish is the perfect sipping whiskey, enjoy as it is, over ice or in your favourite whiskey cocktail. The signature serve for The Legendary Silkie is the Silkie Rua, Silkie mixed with premium ginger ale over ice and garnished with orange peel.




Burnished straw gold.


Fresh and malty, brisk like green apples, opens to be more honeyed with a gentle butteryness.


Super soft, honey to the fore, bright, hints of orange zest, digestive biscuits, brioche, butterscotch and stem ginger.


Warming, elegant and gently melts away.

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