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Vedett Extra Blond 330ml x 24

ประเทศ (Country)

ประเภท (Beer Type)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
330 ml

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
The Vedett Extra Blond brings all this pils experience together, but represents, without a doubt, the Duvel-Moortgat brewery’s quirkiest and most out-of-the-box brand. The beer was refreshed and re-launched in 2003, but it has been in production since the 1940s.
Its fresh appearance incorporates everything you might expect from a premium pilsner: straw-coloured with a snowy-white head, and beautiful pearlisation in the glass. It’s an excellent thirst-quencher, right from the first mouthful, which is immediately followed by a subtly bitter aftertaste.
The Vedett Extra Blond brings all this pils experience together, but represents, without a doubt, the Duvel-Moortgat brewery’s quirkiest and most out-of-the-box brand. The beer was refreshed and re-launched in 2003, but it has been in production since the 1940s.
Its fresh appearance incorporates everything you might expect from a premium pilsner: straw-coloured with a snowy-white head, and beautiful pearlisation in the glass. It’s an excellent thirst-quencher, right from the first mouthful, which is immediately followed by a subtly bitter aftertaste.
Both the aroma and the taste of this beer are characterised by a finely-balanced hoppiness, with a slight touch of vanilla and a fruitiness that carries through to the finish.
The mildly malted character remains pleasantly in the background, which gives the beer an outstandingly refreshing taste without losing its full mouth feel.