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Windspiel Barrel Aged Potato Vodka (500 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
500 ml

ประเภทวอดก้า (Vodka Type)

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
The precious Windspiel Vodka is then
stored in ash barrels for a few months
and so acquires its very own
characteristic flavour – delicate hints
of caramel join the fine aromas of the
potato alcohol. And that is how this
exquisite drink for connoisseurs is
made: the Windspiel Barrel-Aged
Potato Vodka – the barrel-aged vodka
for pure pleasure on the rocks.
While all varieties of the select
potatoes grown on the Weilerhof are
used to make the Windspiel Premium
Dry Gin, only the starchy potatoes of
the Pirol variety are used for the
Windspiel Barrel-Aged Potato Vodka.
After producing raw alcohol of a very
special quality, our master distiller
uses his special technique to create a
particularly mild alcohol in triple
distillation without losing the
characteristic potato flavour. A final
distillation ensures that the resulting
alcohol is mild and pure even without
a time-consuming filtration process.