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BORN Premium Sparkling Junmai-Daiginjo (750 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ประเภทสาเก (Sake Type)
Sparkling Sake

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
750 ml

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
It is a super rich sparkling sake made by Yamada Nishiki rice of Hyogo Pref. Rice polish ration is 20% !!!! Means polished to 80%. Rice and polishing grade is same as "Cho Gin", a masterpiece of our Junmai Daiginjo. That’s amazing and rare, to use such a high quality rice for a sparkling sake. It gives smooth and bubbly on the palate with enchanting elegant in the aroma. This elegant and fashionable sparkling sake can be enjoyed for any important celebration.
It is a super rich sparkling sake made by Yamada Nishiki rice of Hyogo Pref. Rice polish ration is 20% !!!! Means polished to 80%. Rice and polishing grade is same as "Cho Gin", a masterpiece of our Junmai Daiginjo. That’s amazing and rare, to use such a high quality rice for a sparkling sake. It gives smooth and bubbly on the palate with enchanting elegant in the aroma. This elegant and fashionable sparkling sake can be enjoyed for any important celebration.