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De Kuyper Blue Curacao (700 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
700 ml

ประเภทลิเคียว (liqueur type)
Fruit liqueurs

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
The essence of this liqueur is the Curaçao or Lahara fruit, famous for being inedibly bitter. Luckily, it is also incredibly useful in creating a distinctive liqueur. Having covered the 'Curaçao', what about the 'blue'? Honestly, blue made this liqueur famous, but doesn't do anything for the taste. For all we care, this might as well have been Clear Curaçao – no one would taste the difference.
De Kuyper Royal Distillers ,founded in 1695 by Petrus De Kuyper, is a privately held Dutch company in the business of manufacturing and marketing distilled spirits and liqueurs.
In 1995, on the occasion of its 300th anniversary, the company received the title “Royal” from Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. This led to the company changing its name from Johannes de Kuyper & Zoon to De Kuyper Royal Distillers. In the same year, Erven Warnink - the leading producer of advocat and cream liqueurs – was taken over by De Kuyper Royal Distillers.
The essence of this liqueur is the Curaçao or Lahara fruit, famous for being inedibly bitter. Luckily, it is also incredibly useful in creating a distinctive liqueur. Having covered the 'Curaçao', what about the 'blue'? Honestly, blue made this liqueur famous, but doesn't do anything for the taste. For all we care, this might as well have been Clear Curaçao – no one would taste the difference.
Signature cocktail
- Bikini Martini
- Blue Monday