Himeizumi Brewery Gohei Muroka Imo (900 ml)

ประเทศ (Country) Japan
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 900 ml
ประเภทโชชู (Shochu Type) Japan Shochu
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 20%
Using sweet potato (Kogane Sengan) as ingredient, this genuine non-filtered Imo Shochu GOHEI is made with white Koji by an atmospheric distillation method. In order to enjoy its flavor, we treasure sweet potato’s original deliciousness by using our own method to remove excessive oil carefully by hand without using any filtration machine at all. Our company’s concern in making Imo Shochu is not to lose sweet potato’s original deliciousness and sweetness.
Using sweet potato (Kogane Sengan) as ingredient, this genuine non-filtered Imo Shochu GOHEI is made with white Koji by an atmospheric distillation method. In order to enjoy its flavor, we treasure sweet potato’s original deliciousness by using our own method to remove excessive oil carefully by hand without using any filtration machine at all. Our company’s concern in making Imo Shochu is not to lose sweet potato’s original deliciousness and sweetness.
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