Leffe Vieille Cuvee 330ml x 24

ประเทศ (Country) Belgium
ประเภท (Beer Type) Dark
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 330 ml
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 8.2%
Pours a dark amber colour with a large, thick, white head. Aroma of strong dark fruits and alcohol. Flavour of caramel malts, strong plums, orange and bitter hops. Medium bodied, quite rich mouthfeel and a finish of plums and caramel. Overall a rich Belgian strong ale with loads of fruitiness.

Pours a dark amber colour with a large, thick, white head. Aroma of strong dark fruits and alcohol. Flavour of caramel malts, strong plums, orange and bitter hops. Medium bodied, quite rich mouthfeel and a finish of plums and caramel. Overall a rich Belgian strong ale with loads of fruitiness.

Pouring a deep, dark amber hue with a thick, white head, Leffe Vieille Cuvee boasts an excellent aroma of overripe dark fruits and alcohol. The taste includes flavors of roasted caramel, malts, and plums. It’s medium-bodied, rich in its mouthfeel, and moderately hoppy.

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