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Ole Smoky Moonshine Cherries (750 ml)

ประเทศ (Country)

ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size)
750 ml

ภูมิภาค (Whisky Region)

ประเภทวิสกี้ (Whisky Type)
Moonshine Whiskey

แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol)
Cherry bombs. With a nod to Appalachian creativity, we took maraschino cherries and give them a good, long soak in our 100 proof original moonshine. This delicious marriage culminated in an explosion of sweet heat in every perfectly infused cherry. And, once the cherries are gone, the remaining moonshine offers a lingering sweet nectar that blends into cherry cola or ginger ale like long lost lovers.
Ole Smoky Moonshine Cherries
Cherry bombs. With a nod to Appalachian creativity, we took maraschino cherries and give them a good, long soak in our 100 proof original moonshine. This delicious marriage culminated in an explosion of sweet heat in every perfectly infused cherry. And, once the cherries are gone, the remaining moonshine offers a lingering sweet nectar that blends into cherry cola or ginger ale like long lost lovers.
Apple Ginger
Ingredients :
- 2.5 oz. Ole Smoky® Apple Pie Moonshine
- 2.5 oz. Ginger Ale
- 0.5 oz. Fresh Lime Juice (Optional)
Garnish :
- Fresh apple slice (Optional)
- Ole Smoky Moonshine Cherries® (Optional)
Preparation :
- Mix well in a glass over ice
- Garnish
- Shine Responsibly