Fukuume Daikoku (720 ml)

ประเภทอื่นๆ (Other Type) Umeshu
ประเทศ (Country) Japan
ขนาดบรรจุ (bottle size) 720 ml
แอลกอฮอล์ (Alcohol) 12%

Daikoku Fukuume (made with brown sugar) uses brown sugar from Hateruma, Okinawa Prefecture, and green ume from Ogakudo Farm in Nara. The brown sugar has been added to the deep, aged flavor, giving it a melting sweetness, and then the sourness and umami of the green ume are added. This is a umeshu that is sweet, thick, and intoxicating. The smiling face of Daikoku-sama holding ume is also cute!


Daikoku Fukuume (made with brown sugar) uses brown sugar from Hateruma, Okinawa Prefecture, and green ume from Ogakudo Farm in Nara. The brown sugar has been added to the deep, aged flavor, giving it a melting sweetness, and then the sourness and umami of the green ume are added. This is a umeshu that is sweet, thick, and intoxicating. The smiling face of Daikoku-sama holding ume is also cute!

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